“SPILIOS SPILIOPOULOS AND PARTNERS” law office with its partners and in close collaboration with:
- 45 prestigious law offices all over Greece,
- Mrs E. Liakou, public notary in Athens as well as other/additional district public notaries all over Greece,
- The Construction Company “Eptagon Construction Company”, civil engineers, topographers and selected professionals all over Greece,
- Great account offices, auditors, audit and account counselors all over Greece,
- Real estate offices and professionals
provides expatriate Greeks of Diaspora all over the world (USA, Canada, Australia, Africa etc) vast variety of legal services and support
An indicative part of Diaspora Legal Services provided is highlighted below:
- Property research and statements from any land register office all over Greece
- Legacy legal matters (testaments – legacy taxes – legacy acceptance and renouncements etc).
- Legacy property protection against claiming, infringements, controversies (lawsuits, suing etc).
- Property Agreements and transactions (Purchasing – Selling – Donations – parental benefits and grants etc).
- Public Notary issues (Powers of Attorney, Apostile κλπ).
- Tax issues and Legacy tax statements, Donation tax statements, parental benefits statement etc.
- Tax statement corrections and redress.
- Property registry issues (Objections, redress applications, register applications etc).
- Urban planning accession applications
- Urban development matters – Legalization process of Property
- Property assessment and drafting of Property Estimation Reports
- Composing and assessment of major developing investment property plans and proposals.
- Leasing issues (Business and Residential), Leasing contracts, Rent Collection etc.
The firm, In collaboration with “Eptagon Construction Company”, a great range of specialized construction corporations as well as proficient professionals and partners all over Greece, provides full and specialized services of Property Administration and management. Indicatively:
- Property Purchasing, Vending, Leasing, Contract Settlements.
- Rent Demands and Arrogation.
- Maintenance and preservation Agreements
- Fully-featured and long-term property administration and management Agreements